No Task Bars?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Mon Jul 28 17:28:45 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Wally <wheser at> wrote:
> My P4, 1 gig, 2.4 mhz machine runs Ubuntu 8.04, 24/7. Dual boot with  XP
> sp3, which I only  have because I have never been able to get my scanner
> to work with Linux.
> Last week I removed Evolution mail program since I use Thunderbird.

Unfortunately a lot of things in Gnome depend on some of the evolution
packages.  Once you've logged in and have no panels (toolbars), press
Alt-F2.  In the resulting dialog, type "gnome-terminal".  When you get
your terminal, type "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel" and press
enter.  Once it's finished installing and you log out and back in,
your panels should be back.

At that point, you might want to have a peek at the apt log and see if
anything else may have been removed.  You can uninstall evolution, but
some packages like evolution-common need to remain for Gnome to work


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