Pairing S9 bluetooth headset with Hardy

Kennneth P. Turvey kt-usenet at
Fri Jul 25 00:32:16 UTC 2008

On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 17:33:44 -0500, Chris Mohler wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Kennneth P. Turvey
> <kt-usenet at> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get my Motorola bluetooth S9 headset to pair with my
>> Hardy machine, but with no luck.  I found a link that is supposed to
>> help (to a blog), but unfortunately the article is no longer available.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> I've never used bluetooth before so I'm not really sure what I'm doing
>> here.
> My only experience with bluetooth has been through pairing my wiimote
> for use as a pointer/remote.  That being said, if hcitool sees the
> device and/or you can see when right-clicking the Bluetooth icon (in the
> Gnome panel) and selecting "Browse Device", then at that point you need
> to make alsa aware of the headset.
> Make sure you have this package installed: bluetooth-alsa
> That should provide the software you need to use the headset - I've
> never done that though, so hopefully someone with more knowledge can
> help you further...
> Chris

I'm trying that now.  I was going through the command line interface 
following a howto.  I'm getting the following error:

Couldn't display "obex://[00:0D:FD:1B:57:F0]/"

I'm not sure what that means.  

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks. 

Kenneth P. Turvey <kt-usenet at>

  I find it rather easy to portray a businessman.  Being bland, rather
  cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me.   
        -- John Cleese

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