8.04 networking seems awfully broken.

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Jul 24 15:38:05 UTC 2008

Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2008-07-24, Jason Crain <jason at bluetree.ath.cx> wrote:
>> On Thu, July 24, 2008 8:39 am, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Jason Crain wrote:
>>>> On Thu, July 24, 2008 7:01 am, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>     Now that is a really stupid thing to do!
>>>>>     Yes and that is really hard to do isn't it. Poor boy.
>>>>>     Gosh a password too? What kind of WiFi are you stealing? Maybe this
>>>>> is the whole problem. If you had just loaded Hardy and rebooted and did
>>>>> the little easy things and then let it just sit turned on for 30
>>>>> minutes, it might have just started working. Mine did.
>>>> Can we remove Larsen from this list, already?
>>>     Mr. Crain does a wild miss quote of what I wrote and calls for my
>>> removal from this list.  I think a person who is this small and
>>> vindictive should be one who is removed.
>> The original post is still there, if anyone cares to look.  My
>> point is that no matter the tone of the original post,
> For which I should probably apologize.  I'd been beating my
> head against the wall for hours trying to get wireless
> networking to work.  (I never did get it to work unless I
> manually restarted the network and then manually set the
> password via wap_cli.)
> The problem with wpa_supplicant not starting seems to be a
> chronic problem in Ubunto (I've found bug reports on it going
> back 3 years).  I don't even know where to start trying to
> troublshoot the network manager's inability to set the WPA
> password.  The machine is due back in it's owner's hands today,
> so I'm giving up.  I'm going to wipe the parition, restore the
> XP MBR and tell the computer's owner to stick with XP. :/
    Well something is a problem for sure. My WiFi is WPA protected and 
my laptop, when it decided to work asked for the password. I gave it and 
clicked to use it and it still does. This with Gutsy and Hardy.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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