remote virtual terminals

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Wed Jul 23 19:40:27 UTC 2008


I have a bunch of software that is not playing well together.

I have Hardy Heron laptotp with a ssh connection to a remote CentOS Xen

I'm using cobbler/koan attempting to provision CentOS DomU vitual machines.

I run koan --virt --nogfx ...  on the Dom0 and it sucessfully starts the new
DomU VM.

The CentOS installer is successfully starting.
I successfully connect to the VM using virsh on the Dom0 via the ssh
from my Hardy laptop.

The CentOS installer attempts to set up networking using DHCP and runs
I need to do Ctl-Alt-Fn to access alternate Virtual Consoles on the virsh
on the DomU to troubleshoot the DHCP issue.  But the Hardy laptop is
the Ctrl-Alt-Fn and presenting alternets Virtual Consoles on the laptop
instead of
shoving them through the ssh connection to the remote virsh console.
Drew Einhorn
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