Need help using Lynx on Ubuntu Server

Robert Dailey rcdailey at
Mon Jul 14 23:03:24 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Markus Schönhaber <
ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> Robert Dailey wrote:
> > I have an Ubuntu Server 8.04 box setup, which is connected directly to my
> > router on my LAN. From a remote computer, I want to SSH into my linux box
> > and use Lynx to access my router's firmware webpage and do simple things
> > like open ports, etc.
> >
> > The problem I'm having is that I believe my router's firmware page uses
> > Javascript, because it has a few buttons that are inaccessible from Lynx
> (It
> > just says [BUTTON] where it should be). I'm currently using a D-Link
> > DGL-4500 as my router for those curious as to what firmware I'm trying to
> > access via Lynx. Is there a way I can get Javascript working in Lynx,
> > presuming that's the actual culprit? Help is appreciated, thanks in
> advance.
> No, AFAIK there's no JavaScript support in Lynx.
> But you could use the browser on your remote computer to access the
> router's web interface via a ssh tunnel. I. e. if the router is
> accessible from your server via, say, do something like
> ssh -L 8000: [ip or name of server]
> and enter
> http://localhost:8000
> in the address bar of the browser on machine you ssh'ing from.
> You may, of course, chose the local port (8000 in the above example) to
> your liking. It should be greater than 1024, though, since you would
> need root privileges otherwise.

This is a really awesome idea! I had no idea this could be done! Is there a
way I can setup my server to accept HTTP requests on a certain port and
forward those to my router's firmware as the result? For example, an apache2
server that treats the router's main page as the document root, if that
makes sense. I guess it would be like using my linux server as a DNS
forwarding service? Not sure how to say it, but if I could avoid having to
open an SSH tunnel on my remote (windows) machine, that would be one step
closer to greatness!
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