24 hour clock in Evolution
rufus at hanadari.net
Sun Jul 13 04:28:04 UTC 2008
On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 15:47 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> On 07/09/2008 08:40 PM, Rick wrote:
> > It has been recommended that I use a pure Ubuntu program instead of one
> > of those "third party" thingies, so here I am asking about Evolution. In
> > Calendar, the 24 hour day is displayed, but in Mail, I see AM and PM. I
> > have searched the sources, but have found nowhere to change the mail
> > listings to the 24 hour clock. I will greatly appreciate your assistance
> > in solving this problem.
> >
> > By the way, in Nautilus the dates are shown day - month - year, whereas
> > in Evolution they display as month - day - hour (AM/PM). This will
> > certainly be rectified when I learn how to make the change in Evolution.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rick
> >
> There are several "won't fix' bugs filed regarding this that I'll not
> attempt to bother you with just yet. Please (from a terminal) do the
> following:
> 1. Cut&Paste&Post the output of the following command and post back here:
> locale
rick at DeepThought:~$ locale
rick at DeepThought:~$
Now, where did all that en_US come from? I set the locale at Jerusalem,
and the US keyboard is not now even among the keyboard indicator
> 2. Enter the following. It will bring up Evolution - please verify that
> your email times show 24 hour vs am/pm and that the local clock on your
> panel display remains at its current setting:
The calendar is 24. The mail is am/pm. Of course Evolution is already
open, since I am reading your letter. I saved you letter in draft when I
closed all iterations of Evolution after running the line below, but I
seem unable to take up the writing below your quoted statement, so I'll
write here. Upon reopening Evolution, the calendar remains at 24 and the
mail at am/pm. No change is evident.
Thanks for the effort.
> LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8 /usr/bin/evolution
> If that works, then we can try to set it on a more permanent basis.
> I saved your letter in draft,
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