xfs home directory went south

David Fox dfox94085 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 01:24:54 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com> wrote:
> All the replies so far, and everyone, including the OP, is ignoring the
> elephant in the room.. Whether it was a cooling problem or not, the
> computer went haywire and the only fix was "turn it off for a while to

And I could kick myself because I panicked and tried to xfs_repair a
filesystem when I really didn't know if I should have done that. At
any rate, /home refused to mount, but the failure message suggested I
do an xfs_repair -L on the device, which fixed things, but
unfortunately didn't bring everything back. I lost a lot of little
files (99% of those were on backup) but my large avi collection may
never come back. But those files have already been made into dvds as
of about a month ago.

I'll also kick myself for turning off the machine without trying those
magic sysrq keys that are supposed to do things like sync disks. :(

Over the last few days my neck of the woods (San Jose CA) has been
experiencing over >100 daytime degree temperatures.

> let it cool down".. in no way should this computer have been allowed to
> touch data, on drives or backups, until a full evaluation of it's
> reliability was done.
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