Unknown use of F9 key

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 11 21:36:58 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, den 11.07.2008, 15:25 -0600 schrieb Karl Larsen
>     I did the tests and the results were interesting. On this computer 
> with nVidia it allows me to set it for Extra and it will reboot into the 
> Extra mode. But what happens is an old problem that is not one now comes 
> back. As soon as I turn on firefox to a busy page the screen changes to 
> a odd pattern of 45 degree lines. This also kills the mouse and the 
> keyboard. The only way back to normal use is to turn off power, and then 
> reboot and quickly change back to no effects.
>     My laptop has an ATI VGA device and it will not even let me set up 
> for Extra. It fools around and then says it cannot set this mode.
>     So you must do something else to get compiz working. What is it I 
> wonder?
on ati cards the opensurce driver supports many chipsets eith composite
alerady, fglrx doesnt, ati (or better amd after they bought them) opened
up the HW specs recently, so the opensource driver improves constantly.

if you want the best experience with graphics cards, buy a laptop with
intel onboard card, intel releases the specs publically with the HW and
puts a big effort in supporting the opensource community and
developemnt. their drivers are unbeaten (their HW is not the super high
end stuff the others privide though but is usually sufficient for normal


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