The best Server

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Tue Jul 8 23:44:56 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

>     The basic conversion takes place in a terminal window. There type $ 
> sudo init 1 and when you give your password the computer drops to a 
> Server mode.

Nonsense. (tel)init 1 brings the system down into single user mode, not
"server mode" (whatever that is supposed to be). This is definitely not
a way to run a server.

If you don't want X running - stop it.

If you want a server - use an Ubuntu server distribution. Which, by
default, installs a different set of applications than the desktop
version does. Among them a kernel which is configured slightly different
than the -generic kernel the desktop version installs by default.

If you really think you must run GUI apps on a server - install the
appropriate packages, or maybe even (k)ubuntu-desktop (but I don't have
the slightest idea why one could want that).


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