Moving open files

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Jul 8 16:29:07 UTC 2008

2008/7/8 Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> 2008/7/8 Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at>:
>>> No, you make the mistake of not equating person X and Y with applications.
>>> Analogies are not literal.
>> I understand that X and Y are applications. However, so far as the
>> user is concerned, he is the only one working in that office. He
>> doesn't make copies of the files to work on them (even if that's how
>> the computer applications work internally).
> The "user" needs to be educated.  The "user" is under the impression that
> things work as he feels they should.
> They don't...and for good reason.
> So, educate the user.

This is true, Ed. The user does need to be educated. However, who is
going to educate him? His data is already lost.

If you are suggesting a basic CS course for all users of Ubuntu before
they start editing files or moving them around the system, then your
suggestion of user education is valid and I support it. Otherwise, we
are still looking at a trap.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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