Hardy update libnspr4-0d

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Jul 8 00:09:41 UTC 2008

Jim Smith wrote:

> It reportedly is fixed upstream in Debian. I used Synaptic to remove
> libnspr4 then ran the upgrade and all was fine. I usually hold my breath
> when doing that kind of fix as the possibilities of hosing one's system
> are many.
They're really not.  What could conceivably go wrong?  If you try to
_remove_ libnspr4, you find out immediately (before anything is actually
done) whether anything else depends on it, and if you decide to use
the "dpkg -i --force-overwrite" method, the worst that can happen is that
it turns out you need to reinstall the original library (again with
the --force-overwrite option).  The possibilities of _really_ hosing your
system are small if you just pay attention to warnings, unless the library
happens to be libc6...

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