fix wandering Dell touchpad in Kubuntu

Larry Alkoff labradley at
Fri Jul 4 21:47:14 UTC 2008

There is an excellent tutorial at by reassuringlyoffensive
showing how to fix a wandering touchpad on a Dell that uses Ubuntu.

Unfortunately I use Kbuntu Hardy Heron.

The tutorial has the instruction to
edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (which I have done)
and then
navigate to System > Preferences > Sessions
and click on "Add".
Name it something like "Touchpad Syndaemon", the
description can be "Disables touchpad while typing",
and the all important command you need is "syndaemon -i 1 -d -t -K".

There is no "System > Preferences > Sessions" in Kubuntu.

What does it do and how can I do the same thing in Kubuntu?


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