An mplayer audio CD script (cdmp) [was Re: audio error in VLC]

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Tue Jul 1 02:24:40 UTC 2008

On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 18:16:55 -0700
"David Fox" <dfox94085 at> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Peter Garrett
> <peter.garrett at> wrote:
> > The cdda:// option for mplayer is separate, as is the device option.
> > Try something like:
> >
> > mplayer  -cache 500 -cdda speed=1 cdda://1 -cdrom-device  /dev/scd0
> Thanks. Learn something new every day - now if  I could only remember
> it. I wish this was a bit better documented. But anyway it does work
> here with a CD I picked more or less at random. Normally, though, I
> might be inclined to play cds through konqueror audiocd, or amarok, or
> what have you. i don't usually do that in mplayer.
> And you can span tracks - like cdda://1-10 or what have you.

If you feel adventurous, try my little script that uses mplayer for CD
playing on the command line. :-)

 You need the following small packages in
addition to mplayer:


(abcde is actually a very nice ripping script, but I use it for
cddb lookups - and all of these packages are very small)

You can read the script here:

but the easiest way is to run the following commands in order:

sudo apt-get install cdtool setcd abcde 


chmod +x cdmp

(load your CD then..)


Alternatively, copy the script to /usr/local/bin so you can call it
using just "cdmp"

It looks like this:

Hope you and/or some other list members enjoy it :)
I hope to add in options to make better use of abcde in future.

Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at>
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