cheap ubuntu laptop with wireless that works right "out of the box".

Christopher Copeland chrcop at
Thu Jan 31 17:39:17 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Christopher Copeland wrote:
>> I don't think being forced to have a dongle or pcmcia card hanging off
>> a laptop is desirable (especially on a new purchase) in terms of both
>> wireless performance and convenience. 
> Who's being forced?  The OP suggested that he could only get laptops with
> known working wireless for considerably more money.  To my mind, it's well
> worth it to pay less for the hardware and use a dongle, but it's his
> choice.
The OP! If that boxed up toshiba's wireless doesn't work AT ALL, then by 
keeping it he would be forced, right? Note I didn't look into whether or 
not the card in the laptop is actually going to work in ubuntu.. I 
trusted the OP's research. Obviously coming to the list was an attempt 
to find a laptop outside the pool of what he could find on his own. The 
Dell open box might have been the solution.. my point was I'd rather 
have built-in wireless and pay for that privilege, than use a usb/pcmcia 
card. Then I suggested usb cards to look at in case *his choice* wasn't 
the same as mine.. ;)

>> Hopefully one of the other laptops posted on this list will solve the
>> problem. The only laptops I've bought under $500 are a couple of Asus
>> Eee's. 
> I spent just over $500 for the HP I'm using - working wireless (Broadcom
> with ndiswrapper) included.  I _want_ an eee. :-)
:) They are lots of fun, I can't keep hold of them though.. when I 
travel with one my client usually ends up buying it off me. I only use 
mine as travel machine but with an external display, keyboard and mouse 
I could see it working as a primary computer for some.
Christopher Copeland

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