cheap ubuntu laptop with wireless that works right "out of the box".

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Jan 31 15:21:54 UTC 2008

Christopher Copeland wrote:

>> That said, for $449, buy yourself a USB or PCMCIA card that _will_
>> work with Ubuntu.  I paid $18 for the one I put on my wife's laptop 
>> after the
>> Intel wireless died (and Dell refused to honour my warranty!)
> I don't think being forced to have a dongle or pcmcia card hanging off
> a laptop is desirable (especially on a new purchase) in terms of both
> wireless performance and convenience. 

Who's being forced?  The OP suggested that he could only get laptops with
known working wireless for considerably more money.  To my mind, it's well
worth it to pay less for the hardware and use a dongle, but it's his

> Hopefully one of the other laptops posted on this list will solve the
> problem. The only laptops I've bought under $500 are a couple of Asus
> Eee's. 

I spent just over $500 for the HP I'm using - working wireless (Broadcom
with ndiswrapper) included.  I _want_ an eee. :-)

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