Dual Installs Linux/Vista

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jan 30 14:13:56 UTC 2008

Richard wrote:

> On Tuesday 29 January 2008 11:32:21 am Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Richard wrote:
>> > Have linux install on drive one,
>> > but I would like to install my Windows Vista restore disk,
>> > on drive two.
>> >
>> > Everytime, I got to install windows, it grabs the first drive,
>> > and wipes out Linux., is there a way around this,
>> > or do I have to purchase, a full retail copy of Vista,
>> > to install on what hard drive I want?
>>     Windows MUST have the first partition on the first hard drive,
>> period. Do not know why. You need to let windows load where it wants.
>> And then load Ubuntu whereever you want to but not on top of windows :-)

That's not true, though I don't know how you get around it.  My hp came with
a rescue partition - which is _also_ Vista - so it's definitely possible to
get Vista on some partition other than the first, and it's trivial to
actually get Grub to boot any Windows system where Windows is not in the
first partition (basically it hides or remaps any earlier partitions so
that Windows _thinks_ it's on the first)

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