cheap ubuntu laptop with wireless that works right "out of the box".

Chris Mohler cr33dog at
Wed Jan 30 02:19:52 UTC 2008

On Jan 29, 2008 8:03 PM, Default User <xyzzyx at> wrote:
> I really need a laptop that will run ubuntu, with wireless connectivity
> that works "right out of the box", with no tinkering or setup needed (no
> ndiswrapper, etc).  But I cannot justify spending $729+ for a Dell
> Inspiron with Ubuntu, or even $699+ for a System76 unit.  I can install
> ubuntu myself, with no problem. But I just can't fight anymore with
> ubuntu laptop wireless problems. Been there, done that (too much agony,
> I quit).
> So, does anyone know of a laptop that will run ubuntu, with wireless
> connectivity that works "right out of the box", for $500 USD or less?

This one works - *BUT* I had to use ndiswrapper.  Fortunately, that's
pretty darn easy in Gutsy - pop in the driver CD and viola!


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