Newbie question - nstalling/updating Thunderbird in 7.10

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jan 29 20:04:38 UTC 2008

On 01/29/2008 07:44 AM, Charly Avital wrote:
> Newbie to Linux!
> Running Ubuntu 7.10 under virtual-ware Parallels 3.0 for Macintosh.
> Since its installation, I have kept it updated and patched regularly.
> I am still running Thunderbird, and trying to upgrade to
> I have downloaded Linux Thunderbird for i386 from mozdev's web
> site (using Firefox
> I tried to follow the indications of a web site named "how to install
> anything in Ubuntu" (or something like that).
> After cd to the extracted archive, I tried ./configure, but it cannot
> work because, I believe, the archive does not include a configure sh. I
> have tried, after cd to that archive, to run checkinstall (after
> installing checkinstall), but the process aborts.
> Thanks in advance for your attention.
> Charly

There are a couple of ways that you can do this as outlined at:

*Before you do anything* backup your existing .thunderbird or
.mozilla-thunderbird folder first. Copy the folder to a save folder,
perhaps /tempdir or /backup. You can easily create a folder to copy to
via Nautilus (file browser) - just right-click 'Home Folder' and select
'Create Folder'... similar to Windows. Then, still in Nautilus right
click on your .mozilla-thunderbird or .thunderbird folder and select
'Copy', then to your /backup right-click on the folder and select 'Paste
into Folder'.

Thunderbird can be installed/run  from whatever directory that you have
untarred the Thunderbird download simply by cd'ing to the directory and


That will open thunderbird and create a .thunderbird folder in your home
directory. You can then add a Applications menu via right-click
Applications|Edit Menus|Internet|New Item - and then just add
'Thunderbird' in the Name and browse to the folder where you untarred
and the the  'thunderbird' shell file.

*However*, given that you already have TB installed, I'd recommend that
you use Ubuntuzilla, which is a set of python scripts to install.
Ubuntuzilla will automatically backup your existing profile so that you
don't lose anything in the process. Here is how:

1. From your browser:
*Read carefully*
- download Ubuntuzilla:
scroll down and click on ubuntuzilla-4.4.5-0ubuntu1-i386.deb to download
the ubuntuzilla .deb file.

2. From Nautilus:
Go to where you downloaded ubuntuzilla-4.4.5-0ubuntu1-i386.deb and
double-click on the file. This will bring up the Archive/Installation
manager - click the install button & let it do the install for you.
Note: you can also do this from a terminal by cd'ing to the location
where the .deb file is located and issuing:

sudo dpkg -i ubuntuzilla-4.4.5-0ubuntu1-i386.deb

3. From a terminal: -a install -p thunderbird

Follow the prompts.

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