
Sam Fielder srf10130 at vtc.vsc.edu
Tue Jan 29 20:03:50 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I come from Fedora and I studied the Ubuntu fstab and have 
> questions. Here is what I think is the line that boots Ubuntu:
> # /dev/hda8
> UUID=a9c1cb61-ddfd-44f6-88b0-6dc976daf9ca /               ext3    
> defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1
> So I left that working but I have never seen the UUID= before. Can 
> someone explain that?
>     I found what looked like the lines that put ALL my other Linux in 
> nice boxes on my Desktop which are worthless to me. If I want to get 
> something from another partition I just mount it to /mnt. So I put a # 
> in front of them all and to my pleasure they are all gone. This might be 
> nice if you have one other partition but I have 7!
>     Looked and my Ubuntu partition is already 71% used up. I plan to 
> make another large partition /karl and I will pick it up and put it on 
> /home in fstab. So I need to know about the UUID thing :-)
> Karl
The uuid is a unique identifier for each piece of hardware, kind of like 
a volume name.

If you browse to /dev/disk you will see a bunch of handy folders.
open by-uuid and right-click properties to tell you which disk/partition 
the uuid refers to.

the uuid is just another way to tell the os which device you mean to set 
up. It is useful if you have several usb/flash drives(each one has a 
different uuid), and you want each one to mount to a specific place 
every time you insert it (if one holds music and another holds documents 
you can have the music mount to /media/music and the documents mount to 

read the fstab manpages for more. at a Terminal type: $man fstab

hope it helps


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