[Gutsy] Automount Floppies

John Carlyle-Clarke jpcc at nowhere.org
Mon Jan 21 09:29:35 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> As would be the case, I don't usually use floppys much anymore but the
> last time that I did I was able to put a floppy in the drive and Gutsy
> 7.10 would automount the disk. Doing some work today that required a
> floppy I noticed that the only way that I could get the disk to mount
> was via:
> sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy (or /media/floppy0)
> umount also works the same, as does using the gnome floppy formater
> (Applications|System Tools|Floppy Formater) - which does mount the disk
> for formating.
> I thought that perhaps the problem might be on this system that has gone
> from Dapper ==> Fiesty ==> Gutsy, so I tried it on a newly installed
> 7.10 system (fully updated) and got the same results.
> Anyone else have similar problem?
Strangely, I used a floppy yesterday for the first time in a while, in 
7.10.  When I clicked the Floppy icon in Computer, it made mounty 
noises, but then ended up showing me a listing of "/".  However, when I 
browsed to /media/floppy the disk was mounted.  The other strange thing 
was that I had to use the icon on the desktop to get an "unmount" option 
because that option did not appear when right-clicking in /media or in 

But with some small niggles, it worked fine for me, so it's not 
universally broken.

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