using ubuntu to fix windows

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Jan 25 01:53:28 UTC 2008

On 01/23/2008 09:03 PM, Don Raikes wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a dual-boot system vista and gutsy. All was working fine until
> today.
> Now when I try to open vista, it goes into an endless loop of
> starting to load ... bsod ... reboot.
> When I select vista the second time, I am given the option to enter
> last good known configuration and safe mode. I have tried both of
> these and the same thing happens.
> So... now for my question. Are there any utilities I can use from
> within gutsy to edit/clean my vista registry? I know ther are tools
> for doing things like resetting passwords, so I suspect the tools are
> available somewhere, but in all my googling I haven't found them.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. My vista re-install cd is
> 1,500 miles away, and would prefer not to have it shipped if
> possible.



If you have the ability to download and burn a CD or floppy I'd suggest:

Test disk.
Ultimate Boot

I just went through this same issue with my brothers WinXP drive - it is
indeed a faulty drive - and test disk allowed me to fix errors on the
drive so that I could finally mount it in Knoppix, save the data, and
then actually reboot in Windows. You can also edit the registry using
chntpw - use knoppix to boot, set a root password (knoppix menu), browse
& download chntpw, open a terminal, etc.

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