Help!! Can't get started

Mike lake.wind77 at
Thu Jan 24 13:12:18 UTC 2008

Stuart wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help. I can't find any straightforward info on 
> how to replace Windows XP with Ubuntu on my not so good IBM Lapton.
> I thought it would be easy, but.....
> I have the Ubuntu CD: Version 7.10 (file name: ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386) 
> Is this the correct one??? The CD has been checked and double checked.
> I boot from the CD
> The CD whirrs away and then a page comes up with a folder named 
> "Examples" and an icon named "Install".
> I click on the install icon and the CD bursts into action for hours and 
> hours, but achieves nothing.
> -- 
> Best Regards
> from
> Stuart

Here's another thought...  I had a problem a while ago 
installing 7.10 on my daughter's computer (with PATA drive and 
1 gb ram) something to do with the chipset. I would get part 
way through the install (to partitioning the drive) and it 
would just hang forever. I ended up installing 7.04 on her 
computer, then upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10 through the update 
manager. So if the alternate CD installation still doesn't 
work, give this a try.


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