JPilot with CRAZY / HORRIBLE results in Evolution !

Peter N. Spotts pspotts at
Tue Jan 22 01:15:27 UTC 2008

On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 09:00:56 +0800
SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux <i-ubux at> wrote:

> Hello Ubuntu Evolution / JPilot Experts and Users
> Experimenting with JPilot in my Ubuntu 7.10 gave me a shocking
> result !!!
> More than half the day I was experimenting to get my PDA data from
> the handheld to Ubuntu and there getting the data visible !!
> Finally I was able to backup from PDA to Ubuntu ...
> ... but JPilot did not show any single entry in its application !
> Frustrated and upset I gave up !
> After returning I restarted my system and within very short time the
> system 
> got very very slow and working impossible:
> All running applications, like Evaluation, Firefox and Skype couldn't
> being 
> ended normally anymore and system shutdown too was impossible ;-((
> Rebooting with the PDA connected after system reboot first time I got 
> the "gnome-pilot setting pop-up" !? I assumed positive news as PDA 
> recognized ! ;-)
> JPilot indeed still shows no results: Absolutely empty and nothing !!!
> Restarting Evolution it looked looked very different / strange too !!!
> Why ???
> All the PDA data backed up with JPilot were showing in Evolution ;-)
> So far so positive ...
> ... crazy and horrible because all previous Evolution entries
> (calendar, 
> memos and tasks are gone, overwritten by JPilot's Backup before sync !
> Yes, I had set Backup before Sync to make sure, that not an empty set
> of 
> JPilot data goes and empties my PDA !!
> So crazy / negative:
> Looking for Help (in the status bar) of JPilot gives very little:
> There are only self-praising and no facts like Contents or Index ;-(
> So crazy / positive:
> In a way the unexpected result is fascinating !!!
> If using Evolution for all my PIM data ...
> ... sync with the PDA would be a good solution and 
> JPilot just is the vehicle to transfer data betwwen these two !!
> Cool and Ideal !
> BTW:
> Do not come and ask me what I have done ;-)
> Have tried whatever soo many times with lots of sweats ;-|
> Shall I cry or laugh ??
> I do not know yet !!
> I only know it needs a lot of work to get familiar with the latest 
> experience and displaying in Evolution and PDA are very far from 
> comparable ! ;-(
> Cheers, svobi


Someday you'll look back on this and laugh. I've found that if I run
Evolution and its sync daemon is running, I can't sync with Jpilot
if my life depended on it. I suspect the two are dueling for the
PDA connection, and the gnome-pilot daemon (gpilotd) wins every
time. Others may have a different experience, but I've found it best to
use one or the other, but not both (for palm syncing). For my money
(in a manner of speaking, since Jpilot is free), Jpilot is the best all
around app for Palm PDAs on Linux. So I've run Evolution for email only
(after deleting the gnome-pilot stuff from my laptop) and relied on
Jpilot for my Tungsten E2. And the only reason I use Evolution is
because I can get it to work with our MS Exchange servers at work. My
favorite email client, Claws-Mail, won't work with our Exchange server.
Evolution has gotten better at syncing over the years, but I've just
not seen it work as flawlessly as Jpilot. 

That said, if you absolutely must have an all-in-one Outlook-like
client, Evolution is pretty  much the only game in town.


Peter N. Spotts | Science reporter
The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115 USA
Office: 617-450-2449 | Office-in-home: 508-520-3139
Email: pspotts at | Amateur-radio call: KC1JB |

"The knack of flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss." 
            -- Douglas Adams, "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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