trojans and Ubuntu

Tim M southern.tim at
Fri Jan 18 23:39:58 UTC 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 4:12 PM, Bernard Peek <bap at> wrote:

> Tim M wrote:
> > Yesterday a friend of mine asked me about identity thief protection
> > sites and she sent me a link to one asking if it was okay. I clicked
> > on the link on my laptop running 10.7 (also protected with NoScript).
> > Anyway this morning I was talking to my boss he is in charge of
> > Internet security for a major company (I work for him part time in his
> > own business). He said that if she clicked on that site she could have
> > introduced a Trojan into her computer. I will not post the site
> > address here . . . anyway, he might have misunderstood me or I might
> > have misunderstood him. Now I need to tell my friend, who suffers from
> > panic attacks) to reinstall her system. I guess I should listen to my
> > boss . . . I am wondering what the group thinks about what he said and
> > that if my system might be compromised also.
> Your system is likely to be OK, trojan sites are designed to attack
> Windows systems. What I suggest you do is contact your friend, who I
> assume is running Windows of some sort, and suggest that she puts
> together a plan for what she should do /if  /she thinks she may have
> compromised her system. Take her through the various steps and suggest
> that she practises now. That will get her to run all of the antivirus
> tests without panicking her unnecessarily.
> Bernard,

That a very good idea. I don't want to do anything to add to her stress. I
am writing her nephew to see if he can help her. It is hard to do much from
1500 miles away.
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