Inconsistent /tmp Sizes

Øyvind Stegard oyvinst at
Thu Jan 17 11:23:34 UTC 2008

As suspected, lsof gave the answer:

4099 /tmp/gconfd-khj/lock/0t1199894323ut218627u1000p1004r108692322k3217636264 (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   14u      REG        8,6     99572     108553 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolegZWrBb.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   15u      REG        8,6  14714556     108554 /tmp/kde-khj/konsole7FM8Qa.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   16u      REG        8,6     24893     108555 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolelYMOYa.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   17u      REG        8,6     62844     108556 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleshiNjc.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   18u      REG        8,6  10845576     108557 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleOCDuub.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   19u      REG        8,6     15711     108558 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleI2VUic.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   20u      REG        8,6       252     108562 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolehEg0Gb.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   21u      REG        8,6     35112     108563 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleGpWtla.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   22u      REG        8,6        63     108564 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleaswQlb.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   23u      REG        8,6         0     108565 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleX7DHqc.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   24u      REG        8,6         0     108566 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleabuB7a.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21818         khj   25u      REG        8,6         0     108567 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolemlSQcc.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   11u      REG        8,6      4036     108550 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleAKsuna.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   12u      REG        8,6    407436     108551 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleXqRbPb.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   13u      REG        8,6      1009     108552 /tmp/kde-khj/konsole1WHJ3a.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   14u      REG        8,6   9467580     108559 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolezGtPqc.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   15u      REG        8,6 390145020     108560 /tmp/kde-khj/konsolenb2VVa.tmp (deleted)
konsole   21819         khj   16u      REG        8,6   2366895     108561 /tmp/kde-khj/konsoleCAFG5b.tmp (deleted)
konqueror 27519         khj   13u      REG        8,6    170154     108549 /tmp/kde-khj/khtmlcachehnrHmc.tmp

Lots of deleted temporary files opened by the konsole process. The dir
entries are removed from the fs, so 'du' won't pick up this space as it
recursively traverses the directories under /tmp, summing up the usage.
But the blocks have *not* been freed from the file system, because the
file handles have not been closed. So 'df' reports the actual block

Here's another guy who apparently has the same problem:
(he got no replies, it seems)

You should probably file a KDE bug report, or investige if you can turn
off unlimited scroll-buffer or buffer saving, or something of the kind
(I don't use konsole, myself). Look into a konsole temp file that hasn't
been deleted, and try to see what's being stored in it. It might give
you a hint as to what you can configure to change the behaviour. My
guess is scroll-buffer-storage.

< Øyvind Stegard ~ oyvinst at ifi uio no

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