Apache and ubuntu

Mike Dugger manifold at golfront.org
Tue Jan 15 17:25:29 UTC 2008

At 11:24 PM 1/14/2008 +0000, andy baxter wrote:
> > It appears that Apache, as implemented in ubuntu, is set up differently
> > than the indicated by the book (Apache, MySQL and PHP Weekend Crash
> > Course)  that I purchased to aid my education. In poking around I've noted
> > a few differences. Significantly, in usr/apache2 I found two configuration
> > files apache2.conf and the trusty httpd.conf. Can anyone tell me which is
> > used, or why there are two confs and how do they differ?

>As far as I know, the different conf files in /etc/apache2 are different
>only by custom and for the sake of organisation - you can in fact put
>any directive in any of the files if you like. I've had a quick look
>through the ubuntu setup, and it looks like the apache2.conf file is the
>master conf file, which then uses 'Include' directives to include other
>conf files for various purposes. E.g. you are supposed to configure
>virtual-server sites by putting a conf file in sites-available and then
>symlinking to it from sites-enabled. This is meant for people running
>many sites from one server though. httpd.conf is meant for user changes
>to the default config file.

Many thanks. This is something I didn't understand and which differs
from the book that I bought. It makes perfect sense, but isn't really
obvious when my book says something different. When initially sorting
out my configuration, apache2.conf and httpd.conf were empty files to
which I saved identical configurations. This caused some recursion
problems I think. At any rate, I think I can readily sort that out knowing
how the apache2 confs are now organized.

- Mike

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