Slightly OT - Leaving windows

Richard richrock at
Tue Jan 15 16:05:21 UTC 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Michael.Coll-Barth at
Sent: 15 January 2008 15:48
To: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
Subject: RE: Slightly OT - Leaving windows


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Flynn
> This is why I though making in "not default" might be easier - you can

> get in there for a quick fix if the need takes you but for the 
> majority of the time you'll find yourself in Linux and building your 
> toolset for your every day jobs.l I've just bought a new machine and I

> made a list of the applications I needed on the new box - it was 
> surprisingly small compared to the amount of apps I actually had 
> installed on the older machine.

I did precisely the same thing and can use Linux for most things in my
personal life.  For work, I MUST use the provided desktop machine and
Windows software.  I 'need' Turbo Tax and have too many issues with
newer ipods, Zune and cell phone software to drop Windows completely.
Also, for the most part, I have found that you have to wait a while for
folks to figure out how to get new hardware to work.  Hopefully my days
of re-compiling the kernel are over.  Getting my new ( back then )
kick-*ss ATI card to work was fun when my kids were asleep by 7.

I guess I have gotten too old/lazy to reverse engineer hardware.  That
might also explain why I don't give a rat's *ss about people following
the standards on these lists.  If they at least try to make an effort at
being clear ( English is not everyone's first language ) and read some
of the docs ( RTFM fool ), I'll help if I can; even if they top-post,
bottom-post, mid-post, hijack, fold, spindle or mutilate.

Note to the OP.  I don't think your posting was OT at all as I went to
Linux to get away from Windows.  At least as much as possible.

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It's not that I wanted to 'get away' from Windows.  Commercial software
has it's place, but true, the Microsoft model is starting to fail them,
and they seriously need to re-evaluate their products.  I won't buy
Vista.  Why?  Because I don't know which one I'm supposed to get...  At
least Linux in general has it sorted - Desktop or Server?

I'll support development of Linux apps and OSS in general by bug
reports, because I'm no programmer.  

I've had issues with my iPod, yes, and it's bugged me to lose 45gb of
tunes, but it restored fine.  I think a major problem for commercial
devs now is when are they going to include Linux in the software list?
Like itunes, not on Linux.  But it should be...

I'm going to evaluate my Windows usage when I get home tonight after
work.I know for 95% of my documents/music/video, I use Ubuntu with no
qualms.  It's just games.  And my Minidisc player (which I'd like to run
as a disk drive) - which for it's age, should be accessible by Linux.


PS - apologies, starting to sound like a general discussion....

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