Ubuntu and blackberry

Sean Carolan scarolan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 13:32:54 UTC 2008

> Christmas brought me a Blackberry 8800 but I am a Linux user since mid 
> 1990. How can I sync with this device. It has WIFI, bluetooth. I would 
> like to be able to sync with thunderbird address book and several 
> (multiple) google calendars I use. I would also like to be able to read 
> my gmail and ISP mail without using the mail-push feature (so read mails 
> without downloading them from the server so that I can get them from my 
> PC as well)

Download gmail for the blackberry.  It's got a snappy, easy-to-use 
interface and will allow you to read your Gmail without using the push 
feature.  I use this to keep my gmail and BES corporate mail separate.

As far as your ISP mail goes, you may have to use the "push" feature to 
get it on the BB.

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