Ubuntu and blackberry

Phil Tann phil at philtann.com
Mon Jan 14 01:09:24 UTC 2008

Gmail have a IMAP setting which you could use on your blackberry.

when you're logged in go to 
 - Settings
 - Forwarding and POP/IMAP
 - Enable either POP or IMAP whichevery you prefer to use.

You should be able to set up IMAP with no problems on the blackberry.  Most 
ISP's also have the facility to turn on IMAP for your account with them which 
would allow you to read emails on your Blackberry during the day and download 
them to your PC at night.

That being said you should be able to set your Blackberry to grab emails from 
the server AND leave a copy on the server as you can with most pc mail 

On Friday 11 January 2008 20:57:25 Alain Muls wrote:
> I would also like to be able to read
> my gmail and ISP mail without using the mail-push feature (so read mails
> without downloading them from the server so that I can get them from my
> PC as well)
> Any suggestions are welcome
> Tx/Alain

Phil Tann
phil at philtann.com
Mobile: 0404 098 268

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