NNTP accelerator?
Rick Barry
existentialsailor at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 12 16:27:41 UTC 2008
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. Many ISP's, at least in
the US throttle the speed of the common ports used for
NNTP such as port 119 and others. In windows I used an
accelerator that was supplied by my usenet service
which used port 563 instead and was able to download
at the speed I'm paying my ISP for.
I set my news reader to local host and the accelerator
takes it from there. I was hoping there might be a
similar software application for U 7.10 that I could
use with PAN.
I contacted my usenet service inquiring about a port
to Linux, but they said there were no plans to do so
as it was built on the net transport platform
developed by MS.
Your suggestion may work the same way, but
unfortunately, I'm still in the beginning stages of
using Linux and doing what you suggested is a few
orders of magnitude beyond my level of ability.
Thank you for the suggestion.
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