Firefox 3 Beta 2 installs ?

Richard cms0009 at
Sat Jan 12 05:25:09 UTC 2008

On Friday 11 January 2008 7:23:04 pm ' =JeffH ' wrote:
> cms0009 at said:
> > Looking to install Firefox 3 Beta 2, via a .deb file if possible, or but
> > want to make sure, I can upgrade it easy to the final version 3 when that
> > comes out.
> what I've been doing is installing it in /usr/local/mozilla from the
> .tar.bz2 file one can get from
> then it can be easily erased once a .deb of the official FF3 relase
> appears.
> all of one's profile and config info is kept in ~/.mozilla/firefox, so
> it'll be there when you migrate over to the production version.
> one can also create a profile for use with FFb3 if one wants. here's the
> command line I put in my .desktop file for "minefield" (the development
> name for FF3)...
>  /usr/local/mozilla/firefox/firefox  -no-remote -ProfileManager %u
> =JeffH

Q. How does one start(run) firefox, since there are no icons..?


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