using other distro's repos?

Gérard BIGOT gerard.bigot at
Thu Jan 10 10:17:32 UTC 2008

On Jan 10, 2008 11:05 AM, Colin Brace <cb at> wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2008 7:31 AM, anthony baldwin <anthony.baldwin01 at>
> wrote:
> > Is it possible to enable repos from other .deb based distros?
> > I'm also wondering if on an rpm based distro, if one can add repos from
> > other distros. (ie, say you are using PCLOS, can you add fedora repos?)
> These sound like recipes for an extended excursion through dependecy hell.
> As it is, one has to be careful about mixing certain 3rd party Fedora
> repos (ie, Livna, freshrpms, and atrpms), problems of the like of
> which the ubuntu community may fortunately remain blissfully ignorant.
> If a program isn't in your distro repo(s), you download and compile
> the source, non è vero?

And you ask for it to be included. Even if you have to do the first
packaging yourself.

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