VVDQ : Alpine on Ubuntu??

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jan 9 17:28:07 UTC 2008

Beartooth wrote:

> On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 17:33:53 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote:
> I'm no translator -- tried it briefly, and quit as soon as I
> found a steady job. It's *very* hard work -- harder, not easier, if you
> know the languages really well, and mean to do it right -- and usually
> ill-paid.

LOL.  I don't speak other languages at all well, but I know what you mean. 
There's a certain simplification of any task when you aren't an expert.  In
my own work, I have a bad habit of spending far too much time trying to do
the job _right_.

> Fwiw, when I tried to mount the partition that CentOS apparently
> has to be on, I got a response from mount saying "special device /dev/
> VolGroup00/LogVol00 does not exist." That's what has me thinking "hosed."

Ah - that's different!  That's not a partition, it's a logical volume, and
it may be there but simply expected to be mapped to a different device by
Ubuntu.  My logical volumes are under /dev/mapper/.  There would be a
number of possible problems there - I found booting from an LVM too much
trouble to learn, though I'm sure it's possible; and it's possible that the
LVM CentOS is using is incompatible with the one Ubuntu is using, so it may
never be possible to access one from the earth.
>>> Any hints on getting the second one to recognize the first, and the
>>> third to recognize both others?

I'd start by looking to see if there's anything under /dev/mapper.

> Incidentally, how is Ubuntu for up*grading* online?

Simple.  Either Ubuntu or Kubuntu will put a little icon in the system tray
(like "Windows Update"! but far less annoying).  Click on it, and that's
all there usually is to it.  For the more adventurous: "sudo aptitude
dist-upgrade" works for standard updates within a release, but sometimes
gets complicated for upgrading to a new release.
> Fedora *can* do "yum upgrade," and people do occasionally report
> success with it; but they're always people a lot more technically capable
> than I am, and it's officially *not* recommended.
> I always burn a new CD or DVD, as *is* recommended. My guess is
> that the same will be true of Ubuntu -- right?

No.  I occasionally do it, but usually just upgrade online.
> I want to thank you profusely for your patient efforts so far.
Hah!  I've got no patience, but you're welcome :-)

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