The first Linux computer advertisment.

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Tue Jan 8 10:13:12 UTC 2008

On Jan 8, 2008 5:02 PM, Graham Martin <gcmartin at> wrote:
> It looks like I should have made it clearer.
> This is an advertisement from a large discount chain in Australia
> for a computer with a Linux operating system is n page 4. It is an ASUS
> laptop 7 inch screen, webcam, 4gb hard drive, 512m ram, $497. which is
> a bit expensive.
> It is the first advertisement I have seen from a department store for a
> computer using a Linux system.

I think your referring to the EeePC, which have become really popular
in the States
and Southeast Asia during the Christmas season. My friend got one and
it's kinda awesome,
it has a customized Linux distribution that feels like a cellphone
interface than a standard PC,
I think you can install Ubuntu Gutsy in it since it's specs meet the
baseline requirements for Gutsy.
It's really small and light, but it doesn't have a cd/dvd drive and a hard disk.

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