The first Linux computer advertisment.

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Tue Jan 8 09:42:23 UTC 2008

On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 04:24:38 -0500
"Robert Stockdale IV" <bobstockdale at> wrote:

> I could not see an advertisement. I got a cover display, but there were no
> products displayed. It was sort of a blank canvas with just the header and
> border displayed. Is there some special graphics format that my system is
> not seeing?
> Bob

Yes. it's Flash - it will only work with a Flash plugin.
(flashplugin-nonfree or whatever it is called in Gutsy - that's the Feisty
7.04 package name here).


"INX Is Not X" based on Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD:
Screenshots slideshow:
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