OT: Scripting humour

James Black text4909 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 18:47:51 UTC 2008

anthony baldwin wrote:
> After using Linux for 8 years, I am finally getting around to learning 
> some shell scripting.
> I created the follow script and installed it on my wife's computer to 
> run from
> /usr/local/bin/found and put a warning icon on her desktop pointing to 
> the script.
> (she has dual-boot w/XP so she can play Sims2 and stuff, also, I 
> configged xscreensaver for BSOD.
> She will have no clue what the output of lsof means):
> #!/bin/bash
> # just playing around...trying to learn scripting.
> # author: Tony Baldwin, LinguasOS.org
> export DISPLAY=:0.0
> zenity --warning --title WARNING! --text "MicroSOFT Windows has been 
> found.  Would you like to remove it?"
> zenity --warning --title WARNING! --text "MicroSOFT Windows has been 
> found on this machine. Windows is likely to harm your computer, crash, 
> get viruses, and be easily vulnerable to malware, spyware and other 
> intrusions.  It is recommended that you remove it.  Would you like to 
> remove it now?"
> zenity --title='You better do something!' --list --checklist --column 
> "Select" --column "Which is it" TRUE 'Remove Windows now!' FALSE 'No.  
> Do not remove Windows'
> zenity --question --title='What?!' --text 'Are you serious?'
> zenity --title='MAKE UP YOUR MIND!' --list --checklist --column "Select" 
> --column "Which is it" TRUE 'Remove Windows now!' FALSE 'Please do not 
> remove Windows.'
> sudo lsof | zenity --text-info --title "These files will now be deleted" 
> --width 600
> locate so | tee >(zenity --title "Destroying files!" --width 400 
> --progress --pulsate)
> locate li | tee >(zenity --title "Reformatting drive!" --width 400 
> --progress --pulsate)
> xscreensaver
> zenity --warning --title "ERROR!" --text "Hard drive contains no data! 
> Press Okay to reboot computer.  Press Cancel to attempt system recover."
> xscreensaver-command -lock
> zenity --warning --title "ROFLMAO!" --text "JUST KIDDING!"
> exit
> Thankfully, my wife *does* have a sense of humor.
> I may have to spend a night on the couch, but,
> It's going to be too fun to watch her run this script.
> /tony
i literally LOL"d at that. i want something like that for my wife.
it'd have to be Windows only because she's not dual booting.
funny script though.

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