No subject

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at
Sun Jan 6 04:01:19 UTC 2008

On Jan 5, 2008 10:53 PM, James Gray <james at> wrote:

> > Raid 0 has the risk of data corruption that usually happens after a
> > certain amount of time. Is using LVM2 for striping safer than raid 0?

Given the benefit of the doubt and assuming he/she knows what striping
means. Which is better? To use software-raid 0, real hardware raid 0
or LVM2 for striping.

IMHO I believe it's better to use hardware-based raid 0. Is there a
risk of data corruption? I never heard of that.

Does anybody have extensive experience setting up RAID on various
systems (for all kinds of budgets) that can safely answer this

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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