external storage for linux

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Sat Jan 5 18:20:37 UTC 2008

Phil Tann wrote:
> I have a Linksys NAS200,  BRILLIANT box, it's compatible to Samba and Windows 
> which I found very handy having 3 OS' running on various machines around the 
> house.  2 SATA drives plug straight in (installation takes less than 10 
> mins), single drive arrays, mirror or stripe as you wish and it will 
> automatically go into standby after a set period making it silent and does 
> not kill your drives after 6 months because they've been running 24/7.  The 
> standby mode also makes it a very good option for power saving.  FTP Capable 
> etc... you get the picture.
> You should be able to get one for under $200 Retail (plus drives) if not 
> contact me off list and I can help you out.
> http://www-au.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=AU%2FLayout&cid=1175236835409&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper&lid=3540982545B01

now THAT is what i am looking for.  i'll be taking a closer look at this 
for sure.  i'm sure 3com/dlink/netgear/belkin have competing products too.

when it goes into standby does it come out gracefully?  for example can 
you stream media from it, pause your media stream, have the linksys go 
into standby, resume playback and have it wake up the linksys and keep 
going with the stream without dropping?



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