Kernel modules: how to get some basic info about them ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sat Jan 5 15:50:18 UTC 2008


I am trying to debug a problem with a piece of hardware (Wacom Tablet).
this involved compiling kernel modules.. which I have done numerous
times. The problem is that I have done so many experiments, that at
times I lose the track of things, and am not quite sure what kernel
module is running (the stock one from Ubuntu, or one of the ones I
compiled/installed manually).

What I would like to have, is a simple way to get basic info about a
currently running kernel module.
Something like: 

$ <magic_command> <modulename>
<version number>
<path to module file>
<compiled on dd/mm/yy>

Something like that ideally :-)



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