using telnet to send emails
Kent Paul Dolan
xanthian at
Sat Jan 5 00:07:20 UTC 2008
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 09:10:40 -0600
From: "Tipton, Timothy" <Timothy.Tipton at>
> kpd wrote:
>> Now if everyone would play good citizen and turn
>> off all the noise they're sending
> Some of us don't have the option to turn off the
> "fluff" - vcards and all that, I understand, but the
> employer mumbo jumbo isn't our choice, it's done
> server-side and after we've sent the email.
That's okay, stuff you can't control is stuff you
can't control.
But there are people here who grow absolutely
enraged if you ask them to stop sending voluminous
garbage over which they _do_ have control,
identically in every single posting. That's plain
arrogant bad citizenship. Stuff like turning off
redundant HTML if you're not even using the HTML
features is just good sense.
I have to remove base64 encoding for whole articles,
by hand, or they're entirely opaque to me as a plain
text email client user, because someone has a line
of non-7 bit ASCII as a separator, or uses a name
with accented vowels or consonents in email rather
than a plain latin text spelling, and the list
handler automatically base 64 encodes the whole
article if even one accented character or other word
processor rubbish occurs in it, to protect weak
email transport agents along the mail route.
I don't think there are more than a handful of folks
here whose employers insist on plopping legal
rubbish at the end of email (and that rubbish is
true rubbish, it is entirely unenforcable in law;
email I've received by some voluntary sender is now
_my_ property, given as a gift, not your employers,
and I can do with it whatever suits my fancy), but
there are lots of participants who have HTMLization
enabled to no purpose, who fail to trim mail list
siggies from included quoted material, who quote
huge emails intact to answer one thought in it, and
so on.
This stuff can be done better if people adopt an
attitude that bandwidth conservation is good
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