using telnet to send emails

Tipton, Timothy Timothy.Tipton at
Fri Jan 4 15:10:40 UTC 2008

> Now if everyone would play good citizen and turn off
> all the noise they're sending, like PGP siggies,
> HTMLized redundant email copies, MIME wrappers,
> non-pure 7 bit ASCII that triggers the email
> reflecter to base64 encode the whole email body,
> multiple quoted copies of the email reflector
> siggie, unneeded bulk quoting of prior email, whines
> about thread problems that are meaningless to
> someone reading the list with a plain text email
> client, quoted-printable mangling, Face, vcard, and
> similar ego puffery, employer legal mumbo jumbo
> trailers, my ubuntu email would be 10% its current
> volume, while being much easier to read.
> A little due diligence effort to keep mail bulk down
> and garbage suppressed at the origin multiplies its
> helpfulness when the fanout is so big as this list.

Some of us don't have the option to turn off the "fluff" - vcards and
all that, I understand, but the employer mumbo jumbo isn't our choice,
it's done server-side and after we've sent the email. I am in the cat.
Of those that can't reach outside mail and so this is my only option. I
hate it, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

I know it's useless, but I just want to point out, that not all persons
can have a "perfect" setup like you ask. Thanks for being tolerant! ;P


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