Grub Error 17

marvin mckinley mckinleystudio at
Fri Jan 4 18:48:29 UTC 2008

I may be wrong but when I installed Ubuntu with the live cd one of the last things I observed on the nautilus window was that grub was removed.

Allan Valeriano <allvaleriano at> wrote: On Jan 3, 2008 11:08 PM, anthony baldwin  wrote:
> I'm not exactly an expert with grub, but, I'm trying to use my limited
> knowledge to assist.  Likely I should leave the matter to someone with
> greater knowledge...
> all the same -
> How/where are looking for the /boot/grub directory?

I've just opened a terminal, and typed cd /boot/grub and it appeared
that this dir doesn't exist.

> If you are, and don't find it, you need to reinstall grub.
> With the LiveCD in, have you tried to reinstall grub?
> That might be your best bet.

I reinstalled grub using "sudo apt-get install grub", but it said I
already have the latest version of grub, so I entered synaptic and
marked grub for reinstallation, did the whole thing and I'm still
receiving the same Error 17. =/
I had the same problem on my laptop when I repartitioned the hard disk
there, but this time I was doing that on windows, with Partition
Magic, and the linux distro I was using, was Fedora. Back there, I
just removed Fedora and installed Ubuntu over it. This time I *really*
don't want to reinstall everything from the beginning.
Any other idea?


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