Looking for a CLI tool for MP3 tagging

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Fri Feb 29 10:11:32 UTC 2008

Alexandra Zaharia wrote:
> On 2/29/08, Joachim Schrod <jschrod at acm.org> wrote:

Hello, Alexandra,

>>  If you're interested, two screenshots, from SUSE and Ubuntu:
>>  http://www.schrod.org/amarok-suse.png
>>  http://www.schrod.org/amarok-ubuntu.png
> Indeed, amarok with the system's locale set to en_US.UFT-8 always does
> the trick (at least for me). Since amarok 1.4.5, I always had
> something like the following screenshot... and assumed this normal :-)
> (notice the file names themselves are in UTF-8).
> http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/1957/amarokutf8kw6.png

That's interesting, you get localized characters in filenames, I 
don't. (My file names are also in UTF-8.) Maybe that's because I 
use the version from Medibuntu and not the one from the main 
repository; I'll try that out.

Thanks for your interest,


Joachim Schrod				Email: jschrod at acm.org
Roedermark, Germany

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