Looking for a CLI tool for MP3 tagging

Joachim Schrod jschrod at acm.org
Fri Feb 29 01:22:21 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 15:45 +0100, Joachim Schrod wrote:
>> But in 
>> scripts, I have to type the uppercase letter. And there I don't 
>> rely on the existence of aliasses
> I think you can define the alias in the script itself, no?

Yes, but that's not good style, IMHO. If one looks at a script, one 
should see either the command that's invocated, or at max a 
function that's defined. Aliasses diminish robustness of scripts 
when one wants to understand them, a few weeks or months (or years) 
later. Besides, the actual script was in Perl, since it needed to 
parse the output of eyeD3 as well, and that's a hassle in shell.

Anyhow, it was no big deal, I just was astonished, because I didn't 
anticipate mixed-case commands in a Unix CLI tool. After installing 
the package, it went like this: I habitly called "man eyed3" and 
thought: Well, no man pages. Grmbl. Let's see what docs are in the 
package, "dpkg -L eyed3". Oh look, there IS a man page -- but the 
command is called eyeD3! Strange, is it. Seems to be made by one of 
the new kids that don't know the Unix way any more... :-)


PS: Don't take this too earnest. I don't do it either. :-) I'm 
(literally) a Unix grey beard, programming in Unix since 1982. (My 
first system was a real Version 7 Unix.) If I make a shell script, 
it is /bin/sh and not one of those new-fangled things like ksh or 
bash. Well, maybe sometimes. But sparsely, it needs to get used 
to... :-) :-)

PPS: I don't have something against bash. After having been really 
shocked by the code of the original Bourne Shell (we had an AT&T 
source license), I even helped Brian Fox to port bash to some 
operating systems back in 1992 (anyone remember MUNIX?); that was 
before Chet Ramey took over (in 1994/95 or so) and created bash 2.0.

Joachim Schrod				Email: jschrod at acm.org
Roedermark, Germany

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