Samba Questions-Only Half Working

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Feb 28 23:52:34 UTC 2008

On 02/28/2008 01:25 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
>> On 02/25/2008 10:21 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> > Since going to static IP' on my lan, I've only
>> been
>> > able to read/mount shares on one machine or the
>> other,
>> > not both at the same time. Currently I have one
>> direct
>> I've sent you a smb.conf from one of my machines.
>> Have a look & see if
>> that helps.
> Sorry, only gets one machine working. So, changed
> smb.conf on the non-working machine to be exactly like
> that on the working machine(except shares ofcourse) 
> and get these errors when using smbclient and mount:
> lchata at ubuntu:/etc/samba$ smbclient -L ubuntu64
> Password:
> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
> lchata at ubuntu:/etc/samba$ sudo mount -t smbfs -o
> username=lchata,password=xxxxxxx //
> /media/samba
> 14988: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess
> (Access denied.)
> SMB connection failed
> This has been repeatable for a number of smb.conf's
> tried on both machines. I can get either machine to
> share files on the other depending on what smb.conf I
> use but doubt if I could repeat the configurations
> again as I've tried numerour ones from googlin hits,
> etc, etc. There is something missing or not known by
> me about the smb.conf setup. I've asked more than once
> if there is any difference between a server setup and
> client setup or even if it applies in this case. I
> don't know if it is.

Wait, are you using an smbclient.conf file? If so *don't*.
The *only* files that you should have in your /etc/samba folder are:

gdbcommands (bt quit)
smbusers (system_username = "network username")
and possibly dhcp.conf (0 bytes) + any relevent <file>~ backup files.

> I'm really getting tired of dealing with this issue
> but would like to get my lan setup so can share files
> both ways. I've looked as so many hits on the

Then please stop screwing around with the smbf mount stuff & use samba
from Nautilus. Like I said previously, just get standard samba working
_first_ and then experiment with the mount stuff *afterwards*.

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