(Now OT) Thin client question - (I think?)

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Thu Feb 28 17:27:42 UTC 2008

Dave Woyciesjes wrote:

> What about purchasing a second server to run terminal services?

If it's just for personal study, is your system "big enough" to run a 
terminal server in a virtual machine?

If you already have a system configured but is going to be repurposed, 
there is a utility (free) from vmware that will convert the computer 
into an image to run. You may have to alter a couple drivers on first 
start (and be sure to plan for the network settings so you don't have a 
dupe on the network if one is on while the other is booting), but I've 
imaged...6?...servers from win2k to win2003 with that tool.

*shrug* just an idea, if you're just studying it for your own purposes 
and learning.


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