Getting addresses OUT of a spreadsheet

Karl Auer kauer at
Thu Feb 28 11:56:52 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 12:29 +0100, Kristian Rink wrote:
> Karl, *;
> Am Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:38:44 +1100
> schrieb Karl Auer <kauer at>:
> > I have an OOo spreadsheet containing address information. Column A is
> > the surname, column B is the first name, column C is the street and
> > number and so on.
> >
> > How do I get this information into (say) a form letter? Without
> > manually copying it all in, I mean.
> Out of curiosity: What keeps you from utilizing, say, a small OOBasic
> macro to do that job? Asides this, this kind of work also can be
> adressed pretty well using the UNO remoting in OpenOffice and some
> supported language (Python, Java, ...). But that's possibly another
> story...

Thanks for the hints, but if either UNO or OOBasic is required to do
something as simple as a mailout from spreadsheet data then as far as
I'm concerned it's just not a feature. Shame - MSWord/Excel do it quite

Anyone got a way to open this box *without* a welding torch?

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                  +61-428-957160 (mob)

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