Installing Ubuntu

Raseel Bhagat raseelbhagat at
Wed Feb 27 06:43:12 UTC 2008

Hi Joseph,

On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:00 AM, Joseph <ragweed at> wrote:

> I may sound quite unknowlegeable in this, and that's because I am.
> I have put Ubuntu v6.06.1 on a DVD.  Recently I attempted to install it
> into my system.  It didn't go.  It began through some of the initial
> installation files, but then stopped.
> I have a 20Gb hard drive with an 80Gb secondary drive.  I have (if I
> recall correctly) 387 meg of ram.  I know that 512 is best, but that's
> what I have.

Couple of questions :
1. Are you sure that  there is enough space in the partition that you are
trying to install Ubuntu
2. What exactly do you mean by stops ? Does it give any error ? Have you
tried waiting for some more time.

My best guess is that due to low RAM, the amount of time taken to copy
installation files is more. Try again and wait for more time this time.

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