New Ubuntu installs not loading

Heinrich Rebehn rebehn at
Mon Feb 25 09:27:06 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 25/02/2008, NoOp <glgxg at> wrote:
>> Every time I've seen this (and I have a machine that I can reproduce
>>  simpy by adding a defective hard drive or CD drive) the problem has been
>>  hardware related. To troubleshoot, I usually unplug everything except
>>  the drive that I need to boot with; if that works, then I start plugging
>>  things back in one at a time until it fails. I'm sure there are easier
>>  ways, but that always seems to work for me.
>>  That said, this might be of some help:
>>  <>
> Thank you NoOp. I will try the irqpoll recommending in the article.
> Is there no way to disable the Ubuntu logo at login and see the error
> messages that are generated? I tried removing the "quiet" parameter
> from grub but that did not surpress the Ubuntu graphic.
remove "splash"


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