SANE and the Epson Perfection 2450 on USB (retry)

Alex Janssen alex at
Sun Feb 24 21:45:21 UTC 2008

I am trying to get SANE to work with my Epson Perfection 2450, again.

Can anyone or does anyone want to  try to decipher the output from 
'scanimage' run with SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_USB=128?  I've attached it.

I'm hoping the ouput might lead someone with more knowledge to the cure 
for this problem.  It keeps telling me "scanimage: sane_start: Error 
during device I/O".  In order to scan anything, I still have to go back 
to Win XP.

The backend maintainer claims it works fine with Suse.  I don't have 
Suse installed anywhere.

Thanks for your help,

 All stressed out and no one to choke. - Marty Peckoff (165)

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